Vogue shows they have no idea what diversity is by dressing Karlie Kloss in yellow face

The verdict is in: Karlie Kloss is kancelled

Vogue’s much hyped up “diversity” issue features a six page spread of Karlie Kloss in yellow face. In the images, Kloss, a white model, is dressed as a traditional geisha in a stereotypical Japanese setting.

Vogue, where the hell is that diversity you were talking about?

Karlie issued an apology earlier today, claiming that she is “truly sorry for participating in a shoot that was not culturally sensitive.”

Karlie, that’s nice and all, but the moment you got on set you knew the shoot wasn’t “culturally sensitive.” You were wearing a thick black wig, posed next to a Sumo wrestler, in a shoot that was clearly based on Japanese culture, and yet it never dawned on you that, as a white woman, this was a questionable decision? I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit.

Seriously, we are all confused.

It is one thing to issue an apology, and mean it sincerely. It is another to profit off of someone else’s culture and then claim you’re sorry. Like, girl, the shoot is out. You already got your check, and in the process marginalized women of color who deserve to accurately portray a culture that is their own. If you want to “empower and inspire women,” next time make sure that includes women of color.

This isn’t the first time Karlie Kloss has been called out for appropriating culture

Back in 2012, Kloss wore a Native American themed outfit during the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, where she, yet again, profited off of someone else’s culture and apologized after the fact. What we’re wondering is if Karlie’s apology is really sincere or not.

This isn’t the first time Vogue has been called out for cultural appropriation

A couple of years ago, Vogue Italia’s cover featured Gigi Hadid decked out in an afro and tanned skin. Apparently black women weren’t available that day.

How many times are we going to have to point this out?

White celebrities have been called out over and over again for appropriating minority cultures, but they don’t seem to understand or care what the issue with cultural appropriation is. These celebrities issue brief apologies, or none at all, and continue to collect their paychecks.

Minorities are scrutinized in their everyday lives for portraying their own cultures, but those same aspects are deemed desirable or high-fashion when put on white models.

The danger in this lies in the fact that the mainstream media doesn’t accurately depict the cultures they’re appropriating, and perpetuates the idea that someone else’s culture can be used as a costume. Not to mention the fact that these culturally themed shoots give major publications ample opportunity to actually diversify their models, and yet they still don’t.

With the platform they have, white celebrities should make sure to highlight where they went wrong when being called out for cultural appropriation.

The verdict is in: Karlie Kloss is kancelled.

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