I have the best dorm room on Iowa’s campus
Our room is the epitome of freshman dorms, and my roommate and I both know it.
We expected the worst.
You usually expect the worst out of the dorms your freshman year. Imagine grungy carpet, bad lighting, uncomfortable beds that have been slept on by who knows, for how long, and small, extremely small. There’s nothing fantastic to look forward to, unless your roommate is completely kickass.
I, on the other hand, got extremely lucky. Compared to the standard double, my roommate and I were ‘shoved’ into one of Currier’s second floor palaces.
Who wouldn’t want a walk in closet?
It was an unexpected surprise for the both of us when we got put into a two-roomed dorm, but we weren’t complaining. The Gods were obviously on our side that day, and who wouldn’t want a walk in closet their freshman year?
Once we figured out it wasn’t a joke and our room actually was twice the size of the standard dorm, the planning began.
Aunica and I decided who would bring what, where things would go, and what color to get. Thankfully, the university provided us with a layout of our room, giving us a better idea when it came to decorating.
Our futon serves as the main point of focus in our living room, one of the first things you see as you walk down our small ‘hallway.’ It fits right in with our color scheme: gray, white, and purple. I just had to have this piece of purple perfection when I saw it mocking me from the store window.
With a string of old fashion light bulbs framing the window above the couch, you can’t help but be welcomed in to our cozy corner crib.
Minimize the clutter
Organization and cleanliness is key. Keeping our hangout in tiptop shape keeps it looking classy and comfortable. You may hate taking your shoes off and leaving them by our makeshift entryway, but it’s how we prefer to minimize clutter.
Various decorations such as an antique lamp, floor rugs, and a few other personal belongings add a touch that makes our living room feel more home-like.
The extra room
Having a separate bedroom comes in handy more than expected, especially when it comes to differing bed times and a need for privacy.
Roommates aren’t always flowers and butterflies. Sometimes you just want to shut yourself in your room and ignore the world. Can you do that in your dorm? Bet not.
Granted, bunk beds aren’t the most fancy, but who can complain with a place as enormous as ours?
Plus, as Dale and Brennan would say from Step Brothers, “It gives us so much extra space in our room to do activities!”
I brought every item of clothing I owned
Usually you have to limit yourself with the amount of clothes you bring to college, but we sure didn’t. I brought almost every item of clothing I owned and in the end even had room to spare.
The convenience of not having to haul seasonal clothes back and forth from home saved us both a lot of time and effort. Although I’m sure at the end of the school year we will have more than enough to box up and lug back with us.
The perfect perch
We love the interior of our room, but also our living room and bedroom window overlook one of the busiest places on campus.
It’s clear to see that our room is the perfect perch not only to watch the weekend drunks stumble around in their heels and frat boy boat shoes, but the ideal place to call our home away from home.