It hasn’t stopped raining in IC for two weeks and we’re all fed up

Rain rain go away

We’ve all heard the saying “April showers bring May flowers,” but we’re five days into April and already done with the rain.

Iowa City has been under a constant cover of rain ever since students came back from spring break to resume classes. Without any exaggeration, the campus has experienced 17 days where it has rained almost every day. All. Day. Long.


Sure, there’s nothing wrong with a getting a little wet on the way to class. But at this point, we’re all really fed up with the cold, gloomy and seemingly never ending rain that’s making us all miserable. No matter how prepared you are with your umbrella, Hunter rain boots, and cute monogrammed sorority rain coat, you’re inevitably going to walk into class completely soaked and ill-tempered.

Rest assured, you’re not alone in your steaming hatred for this crappy weather. We rounded up the funniest and most relatable tweets by Iowa students about IC’s great flood of 2017.

As always, Iowa makes sure to keep us on our toes with the ever changing weather. Rain seems to be the most prominent at the moment though.

Even pet owners are feeling the struggle trying to keep mud from being tracked into the house.

We appreciate you trying to keep us optimistic, UI, but shut up.

Surprisingly enough, what we haven’t seen is an over abundance of cringey “rain drop drop top” tweets about this plague of rain. What a relief.

University of Iowa Iowa City rain University of Iowa