Access to counseling at the the University of Iowa just got easier

Instead of trekking across campus, you can now trek down your hall

The University of Iowa has instituted new efforts to support student’s mental health.

The university announced many of the new additions and changes they have made to the way mental health is addressed on campus, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Last year the university added an in-dorm counselor to one of the residence halls, not only to help overwhelmed RAs but also students who can not make the trek across the river to the university’s main counseling center. The counselor was almost instantly flooded with patients, proving the service to be a success.

Due to the success of their first in-dorm counselor, the university will have one full-time staffer in the Dental college, a full-time and a part-time in the athletics facilities and two full-time counselors in dorms mainly reserved for first time students. It also has a support group for RA’s that is led by an embedded counselor.
Ex-student body president, Rachel Zuckerman , was an RA who felt that she couldn’t do much for residents and pushed the university to make changes, tweeted about the changes stating, “This happened because of student advocacy”.

University of Iowa