Halloween costumes for the lazy girl in all of us

Because who has time to pick out the perfect costume?

With Halloween falling in the middle of midterms, a lot of us are at a loss for what to do. You had no time to plan a perfect costume, let alone go shopping for it. Don’t worry, The Tab’s got you covered!

Broke college student

Why overthink it? Dress as what you are! You’ve spent all week preparing for midterms, running to class in your pajamas, praying you won’t be late – why not go to the party that way? Make the outfit complete with JMU attire, a calendar and some books.

How to improve this costume: assume a scatter-brained, stressed out look whilst rocking major bedhead, have highlighters and sticky notes hanging out of your robe or pajama pockets, and wear slippers that may or may not pass as real shoes.

The Color Purple

The costume doesn’t have to be purple (I just enjoyed the pun), you can be any color! All you need to do is don everything you have in that color: undershirt, dress, sweater, tights, shoes, jewelry, headband, whatever you have in that color!

How to improve this costume: If you’re less lazy than me, you could rock some body paint or even just that color make-up, paint your nails that color, and wear a wig.


Finally, an occasion to use one of the many tourist shirts that are in your possession from many a vacation with family members and friends. Achieve this costume with said tourist shirt, jeans, sneakers, maybe a passport and a lanyard.

How to improve this costume: Throw on some sunglasses, a camera hanging from your neck, walk around with a giant map in front of your face and run into people constantly because your vision is impeded by said map, and ask everyone if they know how to get to various attractions.

Lazy Bugs Bunny

This one was especially easy for me to achieve because I have a jacket equipped with bunny ears. For this costume all you need is some gray sweats (or leggings and a shirt), bunny ears (either on a hat, hood or headband), and gray shoes.

How to make this costume better: Have a bunch of carrots in your pocket with the green ends hanging out, walk around nibbling on one and every time you approach someone saying, “What’s up, doc?”

A fan of your favorite TV Show/Movie

This costume idea isn’t limited to Doctor Who, that was just what was accessible to me. You could pick to dress as a member of any fandom and the basic costume is the same: fandom t-shirt, two or so props, and whatever accessory goes with that.

What I chose: For Doctor Who – a sonic screwdriver flashlight, a stuffed adipose, a scarf similar to the fourth doctor’s and a t-shirt with all the doctors’ faces on it.

No matter what idea you end up going with, Halloween doesn’t need to be complicated and you don’t have to miss out if you had a week of midterms and papers!

James Madison University