Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders to speak at MSU
Michigan State will host Senator Sanders at the Breslin Center on March 2nd
It has been confirmed that Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will be making a campaign stop in East Lansing on Wednesday, March 2nd, at Michigan State University’s very own Breslin Center.
Sanders will speak Wednesday evening around 7pm. Doors for the event open at 4pm.
Sanders is expected to discuss a wide range of issues pivotal to his campaign, among those being universal healthcare, a higher minimum wage, the affordability of higher education, the importance of tackling climate change, and the fight against a corrupt political campaign finance system.
The Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU), Students for Sanders East Lansing, and other student organizations on campus have been working diligently for months in order to receive the support and funds necessary to host a presidential candidate. With the speaking appearance of Senator Sanders, their efforts will have finally paid off.
“This rally was the brainchild of several different grassroots movements across Michigan,” said Aaron Stephens, who serves as Co-President of Students for Sanders East Lansing.
“I am so happy and proud to have been involved and to have been an instrumental part of the planning and facilitation of the rally,” said Aaron, “and I am more than excited to meet our future president and hear him speak at one of the largest venues in Michigan.”
Almost 100 people attended the first official Students for Sanders East Lansing meeting on Sept. 15, 2015
This event continues the recent focus of Sander’s campaign trail on Michigan. He drew a crowd of over 9,000 at Eastern Michigan University on Feb. 15, visited Flint for a community forum on Feb. 25, and will be traveling to Flint on March 6 for the next Democratic debate.
In recent months, the Sanders campaign has opened offices across Michigan in Flint, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, and Lansing. The Lansing office, which opened just two weeks ago, is located at 2722 E Michigan Ave, Suite 101.
Attendees are encouraged to RSVP here. The event is free and open to the public, and parking is available on-site for a small fee.