The best of MSU Memes 2.0 Facebook group

Highlights from the funniest, most random collection of memes from students and professors alike

Founded by Lyman Briggs’ beloved Professor Rob LaDuca, this group is about memes and memes only. He started MSU Memes 2.0 in 2013, and it has been going strong ever since. The entire purpose of the Facebook group is to get away from the rest of the world and just focus on what’s important in life: memes. No work. No school. No stress. Just “commentary and satire and humor using memes,” as stated by LaDuca himself.

When our football season is shit but we still remember the good ol’ days

We are all Spartans, and #SpartansWill.

…Except for this year’s football season. But we still remember that iconic win that put us in the rankings last year.

When the prof gets it

College is rough, and we all have to power through sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) but that doesn’t mean profs don’t understand.

They’ve got to power through as much as we do, dealing with our cluelessness everyday.

When memes are terrifyingly accurate

Now, everyone talks about the horror that is an 8am, but no one ever really acknowledges just how bad things can get.

These memes can perfectly explain for you all.

When it gets a little too real

College students always joke about being broke, but this is no joke. This is how it is.

When Yik Yak one-ups you anyway

College students who are going through that “dead inside” phase are always the most enthusiastic about the best things.

Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it.

When pay day comes

When you finally get paid after who-knows-how-long and instead of paying the rent check like you probably should, you go out to dinner and properly treat yourself.

Three courses and all.

When unfortunate photos are taken at fortunate times

Caption contests are always fun, and always end up being some of the best memes around. This Facebook group makes sure to take advantage of every opportunity.

Hands down, MSU Memes 2.0 is one of the best MSU Facebook pages. An entire page dedicated to stupid meme humor – what else could you ask for?

Everyone knows college can be stressful, and you have to relieve that stress somehow. There’s no better way than by laughing at silly photos with ridiculous captions. Enjoy!

Michigan State