‘You belong here’: MSU President Simon responds to the election

An overview of President Simon’s campus-wide email regarding Trump’s election

The election of Donald Trump for president of the United States has taken a significant toll on everyone, and college students are no exception. In the week following the election, college campuses across the U.S. took to rallies and protests to stand together in solidarity against the bigotry, racism, misogyny and sexism that was expressed during the campaign cycle; MSU was no different.

On November 10, 1,000 MSU students came together and marched at a rally, chalk that promotes equality and boldly states sayings like “black lives matter” and “love trumps hate” can still be seen on the sidewalks all around campus, support groups have sprouted for those who need to talk about the election’s outcome and just yesterday, President Simon sent a campus-wide email in response to the election and the actions taken after it.

Her email states that “she is encouraged by the many ways members of our community have reached out to help others.” She also tells of her personal views about the many unsettling views that have been brought to light during this election: “I have often said over the years that racism, bigotry, sexism, misogyny—and hatred and violence—are simply wrong.”

President Simon’s statement right before her conclusion makes sure that all students and faculty remember that MSU is a safe and loving place for all: “Messages of hate and exclusion—verbal or printed—have no place at MSU.”  Her email is a reminder that many of the faculty support the stand of solidarity, but it also serves as a a reminder that MSU as a whole is standing together in solidarity and will continue to be a strong, diverse community that will forever be home to the future innovators and leaders of tomorrow.

Michigan State