Spartans reveal their funniest freshman mistakes
From laundry mishaps to running over a squirrel
Ah, freshman year. The year you’ll have to act like you know what the hell you’re doing, while in reality you are completely oblivious to how college life works.
Your first year is when you learn to persevere through your mistakes, and try your hardest to never repeat them ever again. Fear of public embarrassment is enough to motivate you to learn from past mistakes, but it won’t be able to help stop some future mistakes. It’s okay, though, because you aren’t the only one out there.
My fellow Spartan freshmen, you are not alone. Here are some painfully relatable and hilariously embarassing stories of MSU freshman.
Getting lost on campus
As we all know, Michigan State’s campus is beautiful – and huge. This lovely amount of land does come with its consequences.
Connor Crutchfield, Business major
“Well my first day I went to the wrong class and went through an entire class which was two and a half hours long. I missed the rest of my classes that day and did the same thing again the rest of the first week.”
If this isn’t a rookie mistake, I don’t know what is.
Varun Bajaj, Mechanical Engineering major
“…[A few] weeks back, it took me two hours to return to Wonders from Cedar Village. It was a bad experience.”
Sujit Bajaj, undecided major
“Getting lost, as in not knowing the way back to my dorm after exiting Case Hall from a different door than I entered through.”
Inevitable CATA bus ride fails
When walking and biking is no longer an option for us Spartans, we turn to the CATA busses. These experiences can either go very well or totally downhill.
Derrick Dwamena, Human Biology major
“Getting on the CATA bus and not knowing how to stop the bus…fun times.”
For future reference, watch what the other people do to stop the bus. For those of you who still do not know, you have to pull the yellow rope on the side of the bus to call for a stop.
Jalisa McQueen, Lyman Briggs
“…Getting on Bus 1 to get to the mall just to find out it was going in the opposite direction of the mall. Ended up getting a nice tour of Lansing.”
Laundry mishaps
Josh Lange, Business major
“Someone stole my Tide pods from the laundry room.. I was literally out in the commons. TIDE PODS.”
Wow, how dare they? At least they’re washing their clothes.
Carly Mutschler, Zoology major
“I forgot my laundry in the washer for a whole night and the next day when I went to put In the dryer all my panties were gone.”
And this is why we make sure to get our laundry as soon as it’s done, freshmen!
Learning the hard way
Sydney Harris, Pre-Nursing major
“My roommate and I left our door unlocked one night and one of our neighbors came home drunk and peed on our floor in the middle of the night.”
Although this is a rare case at Michigan State, I’m pretty sure you’re not alone.
Rizwan Javed, Accounting major
“I ate out everyday for over 2 months because I had to clue how my meal plan worked.”
Did you ever think to ask someone about it in those 60 days? But yes, meal plans and Sparty cash can be quite confusing.
Giancarlo Canu, Human Biology major
“I ran over a squirrel with my bike.”
This is an unforgivable mistake, but I do hope you learn from it.
Lauren Overfilled, Psychology major
“Not knowing you’re a light weight.”
College is all about finding yourself, and this includes finding your limits. Let’s hope everyone finds their limit sooner than later.
Abby Short, James Madison
“I went out the first night we were on campus and I got back at like 1 am not realizing that I’d forgotten my ID. It took me like half an hour to figure out how to get into the building.”
Student IDs are a mandatory item to have on you at all times. I can personally say I’ve made this mistake many times before I learned from it.
As freshmen at Michigan State, we have a lot to learn. Only through trial and error can we one day become wise seniors. Whether you get lost in your own neighborhood, miss the bus or accidentally kill a squirrel, you will learn.
Enjoy freshman year, fellow Spartans!