Michigan State’s finest holiday door décor
Let’s get festive
Since the majority of our time we spend here at MSU this holiday season is used pining over painful exam reviews, agonizing over late nights of caffeine and essays, and preparing for the regrettable aftermath that is your GPA…it’s important to at least try to get into the holiday spirit. Spreading some Christmas cheer through the (normally bland) dorm hallways is a great way to do it.
Some people don’t mess around when it comes to door decorations. Others…well, they try.
You be the judge.
Ah, a nice classic and elegant look. Job well done, ladies!
Cute and festive. But…what’s that questionable stain on the wrapping paper? I’m calling SABOTAGE.
Alright, you can tell these girls actually spent some time at Michael’s and seem to possess some decent decorating abilities – I mean, just clook at that symmetry. Also, the “gift tag” was a nice touch. Actually kinda jealous I didn’t think of that. I hope Santa fills those stockings.
Aww, homemade decor. That’s the right way to decorate in college – for free.
Well Camille, it’s alright…the lights brighten it up, at least…but only ONE snowflake? I get it, I get it. We’re all crunched for time during exam week. You’re forgiven.
They really went all out with this one. A fireplace embellished with monogrammed stockings, colored lights and fun wrapping paper. But wait, the girl in front of the door looks awfully familiar…That’s right folks, Camille was a little embarrassed of her single snowflake, so she posed in front of a neighbor’s door for a confidence boost. Well played, Camille. Well played.
As you can see, the ladies of East Lansing (boys: you’re slacking) tend to make door decorating a priority during the holiday season – these little dorms are all we’ve got, after all. Whether you cover your door in tinsel or just add a single snowflake cutout, every little bit helps. We’ve all needed a little Christmas cheer during this dreaded week of exams.