ELPD live-tweeted an entire night of patrolling MSU welcome week parties, and Twitter went wild
EL Police: Keeping you safe AND killin’ it on Twitter
It's back to school season, and one thing is for sure: Spartans should expect to to run into police everywhere. They'll be lurking around the dorms and in the dining halls, driving around campus and busting parties.
On August 24, ELPD took this virtual ride-along concept to Twitter with their first-ever #ELPDTweetAlong, which featured Officer Bove and his K9 partner Quinn.
It all started with one little tweet.
Welcome week, amirite?
Um, gross.
At least they know they ruin the fun.
Everyday problems, apparently.
Genuinely impressed by the "smh."
What's with all the bottle breaking?
Ahh, poop jokes.
If you want to giggle along with the people you love to loathe the most, make sure to follow ELPD on Twitter. We're sure there will be much more hilarity to come.
Happy welcome week, Spartans. Remember – don't get too boisterous, or you may just get put on blast on Twitter by the police department.