Meet Seth Schneider, the NCSU freshman behind the legendary high-five selfie
Now people are throwing their phones in the air to replicate the ‘Seth selfie’
When NCSU freshman Seth Schneider was bored one Saturday morning, he decided to try out a photo idea he had seen online months earlier. Little did he know he would start an internet craze.
The aerospace engineering major grabbed his phone, hit the camera button and threw the phone in the air, hoping to capture the most legendary selfie of all time – and he was successful. In the iconic selfie, Seth is high-fiving himself.
He tweeted the picture with the caption, “Today is the proudest day of my life. I successfully took a picture of me high fiving myself.” Seth had no idea he was about to become Twitter-famous. His tweet now has over 175k retweets and almost 500k favorites.
Now people all over the world are attempting the legendary “Seth selfie” by dropping their own phones and tweeting the result. So many people, in fact, that Seth has now included “I am not responsible for any broken phones” in his Twitter bio.
We spoke to the NCSU legend about his newfound Twitter fame.
How long did this photo actually take you?
It took about 20 attempts, then I had to take a break and try again.
Were you afraid of breaking your phone?
No, I was more concerned with actually taking the picture than breaking it.
When did you realize this was going viral?
After about two hours, I had 400 likes and within a day it had gotten 200,000.
Your fans have started a hashtag to get you on The Ellen Show, but you say no. Why is that?
Most of the time when people go on the show they get something, but I don’t feel like I deserve anything. I haven’t really done anything important.
Do you normally take selfies?
This is the only kind of selfie I’ve ever taken.
Can we expect more of these innovations in the future?
This was my 15 minutes of fame and I think I’m done now.
Just so we know, where did your Twitter handle @TOSUBUCK come from?
It stands for “The Ohio State University Buckeyes.” I’m from Ohio and moved to North Carolina about nine years ago.