Students react to ‘Dear White People’ demonstration on Stafford Commons
‘Dear White People…have you read the 13th Amendment?’
Update, 10:09pm: UAB and student union employees received the following email this evening. The message was sent by two female students.
Campus police allegedly removed one of the signs – “Dear White People…have you read the 13th Amendment?” – after someone wrote “have you read the 2th?” The writing was considered an indirect threat.
Students are now firing back on social media.
Today, NC State’s Union Activities Board hosted an event called “Dear White People” as part of Diversity Education Week (DEW). In order to foster conversation, students put up posters around Stafford Commons with messages addressed to NC State’s white population.
There have been mixed reactions to the posters on campus.
One sign said, “Dear White People…Have you read the 13th Amendment?” Someone had written underneath, “Have you read the 2th?”
A Religious Studies sophomore by the signs said, “It’s stuff the people need to know about because they don’t think about it on a day-to-day basis since culture doesn’t question things, rather lets it continue. But there are multiple sides to each argument that each side should listen to.”
UAB Films will screen the film “Dear White People” at 7pm in Witherspoon and hold an open discussion immediately after at 9pm.