The Tab Oregon is looking for new writers
Join the network with over 11 million monthly readers
The Tab Oregon is looking for young, talented writers to join our team. From interviews with on campus celebrities to campus activism, The Tab Oregon prides itself on covering everything happening on campus.
In the past we've covered on-campus breaking news, as well as created detailed guides to understanding UO's Fraternities. From student profiles, to student news, we have you covered.
When writing for The Tab, you have a unique opportunity to join a group of fearless journalists who enjoy telling a variety of stories across campus. You'll join a student-run website prepared to give everyone a voice with our platform, and with the assistance of our Oregon Editorial team and Assistant Editors at our New York City office.
We've been featured in The Daily Mail for our coverage of post-election protests, and have generated hundreds of views with students voicing what they want to hear.
The Tab is a global media network, that’s comprised of professional and student journalists, and reaches an audience of 11 million readers monthly. Since its launch last April, The Tab Oregon has made a name for itself as a primary source of student news on campus.

We're global: The Tab is at over 80 schools in the U.S. and the U.K.
Once you join our Tab team, not only will you be writing with a national media organization on-the-ground here in Oregon, you’ll also have an opportunity to apply for internships at The Tab offices in New York City, and to write for national verticals such as Babe, one of the largest women’s websites in the world.
Like our Facebook page and sign up to join our team and become part of The Tab Oregon, no experience necessary.
For more information about how to apply, contact Campus Editor Linden Moore at lmoore2@uoregon.edu