Consumer alert issued for Thai Hana due to infestation and unsanitary conditions
Critters and unsafe food storage lead to a warning from Allegheny County Health Department
The Allegheny County Health Department put out a consumer alert for Thai Hana dated August 28th. The alert warns customers of unsafe food storage, infestation, and unsanitary working conditions.
“A Consumer Alert was posted at the subject facility for the following: cold foods at unsafe temperatures, presence of roaches and flies, unknown liquid leaking from the ceiling, dishwasher not sanitizing, bags of rice in unsound condition/infested with moths,” the customer alert reads in full.

Credit: Thai Hana FB
A picture posted on the Thai Hana Facebook page states that the restaurant planned on closing for three days to address “plumbing issues that will require extensive repair,” although it appears this isn’t the only reason for temporary closure.
Thai Hana is well known around Pitt’s campus, with most reviews of the food being quite stellar. The new Allegheny County Health Department report could harm the reputation of the restaurant.

One of the restaurants many high-rated online reviews (Google Reviews)
Thai Hana isn’t the only Oakland restaurant recently to come under fire. Last November, Las Palmas on Atwood was forced to close due to a number of food safety violations
After reopening in early 2017 they were hit with yet another ACHD consumer alert as many violations were found during “a follow-up inspection after the December 7 re-opening from the previous closure.”