Princeton debating society votes in favor of resolution to ban all guns
After debate, both sides agreed the resolution was extreme
Princeton’s Whig-Cliosophic Society, one of the oldest collegiate political unions in the United States, voted in favor of a resolution to ban all guns in a debate Wednesday night.
The resolution passed with a vote of 21-18. Votes were cast by members of the audience, many of whom are affiliated with the Whig or Clio parties of the union.
A monthly tradition, the Whig-Clio debates invite all students of the university community to discuss controversial contemporary issues. The debate about firearms came a month after the deadly shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School, which sparked a renewed push for gun reform across the country.
Though he did not attend the debate, Nabil Shaikh, a graduate student at the Woodrow Wilson School for Public Policy, stated that he appreciates the thoughtful discourse on gun violence on this campus.
“I think college students should do more to join forces with the incredibly effective high school activists around the country,” he said.
However, Will Crawford, a sophomore who debated against the resolution on Wednesday stated that he was disappointed when Whig supporters did not reject the party’s “radical proposal.” Crawford is also the president of Princeton College Republicans.
“By choosing to vote to ban all guns, they not only embraced the worst caricatures of the political left for the sake of petty partisanship but also failed to acknowledge the potential for working toward a safer country while upholding law abiding citizens’ rights,” Crawford said.
Nicholas Wu, a senior who debated for the resolution, also believed that the resolution is “extreme but promotes a healthy dialogue on gun control.” Wu had organized a rally for gun reform at Princeton on National Walkout Day.