How turnt RU?

‘Pi. Like the number’

Let’s forget about the end of the game and focus on a better time, a simpler time – a time before the game when people were on their way to a true blackout game.

We asked some fellow Scarlet Knights how turnt they were on a scale of 1 to 10.

Sarah, sophomore, Political Science and Economics

“Yeah, I’m probably a 2.”

Gerald, junior, Accounting

“Not much, three.”

Stella, sophomore, Chemistry

“I’m at like a six.”

Jackie, senior, Political Science

“Right now? Maybe like a four, I was more turnt before.”

Ann, senior, CBN

“Pi. Like the number.”

Jeff, senior, Biology

“I’m at five right now, and after this beer I’m gonna be at seven.”


Warda, senior, Animal Science, and Sarah, not from Rutgers

“On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m like an eight. Nine is like really drunk I can’t even make words and 10 is like I’m getting my stomach pumped. So I’m like an eight – I’m foreign. I’m from Morocco and Thailand.”

“You’re not from Thailand, you’re from France.”

Jason, sophomore, Computer Science and Economics

“Zero, I have a micro exam.”

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