Rutgers students are boycotting the football games until ‘The Alley’ is reopened
PSA: Never take away a college kid’s tailgate
Opened at the commencement of the 2016 Rutgers football season, ‘The Alley’ was to serve as a university sponsored student tailgate for the seven home games that Rutgers is expected to host this year. However, after just two home games The Alley is going to be permanently shut down due to the university’s concern about the overall safety of the student body.
The official announcement was sent out to the Rutgers community via the Rutgers Athletics Twitter account on September 20.
Although officially announced by Rutgers Athletics, it is said that the premature closing of The Alley was not their decision.
Naturally however, almost immediately after the official announcement was made a student petition to boycott the Rutgers football games until the reopening of The Alley was started. Receiving just shy of 50 supporters in its first 40 minutes after being created, this petition has gained nearly 1,500 student signatures in only six hours.