Islamophobic flyer found on Paul Robeson Cultural Center
RUPD has been notified
Yesterday, a flyer reading “A Muslim-Free America” was taped to a wall outside the Paul Robeson Cultural Center.
The Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers University (CILRU) posted about the incident on their Facebook expressing their disappointment and noting that this was not an isolated occurrence.
The post, signed by Muslim Chaplain Kaiser Aslam, reads: “Such disappointment that groups that spread messages like this exist.
“Alhamdulillah, since being informed about the poster (Kudos to the RU students that acted quickly to report the incident), two vice chancellors, a director, and members of the RUPD have contacted us and let us know they will be doing everything they can to make sure to protect our students and community.
“We are apparently not the only campus to be hit by this hate campaign. Please be vigilant and let us know if you see anything.”
Aslam concluded the post by encouraging students to remain vigilant and to reach out to the CILRU if they see anything like this.