New program invites rich retirees to come back to Stanford
It’s specifically designed for middle-aged professionals who are closing out successful careers and looking to redirect their energies
Stanford University has recently become home to a new kind of student: no, not the kind that just became old enough to vote and wears flip flops year-round, but the kind that has come back for round two.
This second chance at educational advancement comes in the form of Stanford’s Distinguished Careers Institute, a program specifically designed for middle-aged professionals who are closing out successful careers and looking to redirect their energies. The only stipulation? A $65,000 attendance fee.
While the idea of returning to school after becoming a corporate executive is certainly a pioneering one, members of the DCI undoubtedly prove that education is a lifelong journey. Many members refer to the program as a sort of “gap year,” a period of transition in which they hope to discover untapped passions and explore foreign subjects against the familiar backdrop of classrooms and chalkboards.
In regards to the general financial inaccessibility of this academic opportunity, representatives of the Stanford DCI encourage other colleges around the nation to follow suit by developing their own scholarly programs for aging adults, with perhaps a more attractive price tag.
So, if you’re put off by that old guy sitting next to you in your gender studies class, remember he might not be just a rapidly aging CS major trying to fulfill a graduation requirement — he might even be a former CEO.