Temple students participated in the National School Walkout today

They walked in solidarity with students across the nation who are advocating for gun law reform

Across the nation, students are participating in the National School Walkout one month after the Parkland high school shooting including, Temple students who walked in solidarity with the victims this morning.

In the Facebook event organized by Philly Students Demand Action, a grassroots movement in solidarity with students across the nation advocating for gun law reform, the walkout began at 10 a.m. EST and lasted for 17 minutes.

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Students gathered at the Bell Tower at the beginning of the walkout. Photograph by Nenseh Alexis Koneh.

Student leader Emma Pitcher, from Philly Students Demand Action told The Tab Temple, the walkout today is just one step closer to the end goal of the movement.

"Gun violence is a public health crisis, from school shootings to suicides, and everyday violence which most affects populations with structural inequalities. We believe that common sense gun law reform is necessary in facing this epidemic." Pitcher said, "Our walkout today was in support of the students of Stoneman Douglas High School who lost their lives in this senseless act of violence. We plan to participate in the Philadelphia March For Our Lives on March 24th and continue to grow our movement here in Philadelphia!"

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Students from Philly Students Demand Action. Photograph by Nenseh Alexis Koneh.

Pitcher credits Gaby Combs and Nicke Cooke who were a major help with today's walkout. Both Combs and Cooke are junior, public health majors, hoping to make a change by walking out.

"Gun violence is one of the biggest epidemics sweeping the country, yet nothing is being done to fix this problem. I walked out today to not only honor ALL who lost their voice due to gun violence, but to take a stand against the senseless gun violence that takes place across the nation everyday," Combs said. "I will continue to fight for gun reform so that one day everyone can feel safe in schools, their places of worship, their homes, on the street, and so forth."

Nick Cooke states after watching the incredibly brave students of Stoneman Douglas start a nationwide conversation about gun control, he wanted to support them and their efforts to bring gun reform to our country and to Philadelphia.

Another member of Philly Students Demand Action, Jake Barks, a freshman public health major, is glad to see how many people came to today's walkout and what students can do next.

"We really appreciated everyone who came out to support our late notice walkout and really hope that those who are passionate about ending gun violence continue to show their support by coming to our meetings as well as coming to our other events."

You can follow Philly Students Demand Action on their Twitter and Facebook.

Temple University