Why Tulane men are the least romantic humans on this planet
I don’t want your dusty ass grinding up on me at The Boot
Since coming to Tulane last year, and having only been here for two weeks this year, I have come to a very definite conclusion: Tulane men (I should really call them boys) are the least romantic humans on this planet. You have really made me think… a lot. And in turn, this thinking has made me mad — no, infuriated.
See, what has gotten me to do all of this thinking is the way in which you have acted towards me and every other female on this campus. Infuriated is merely one of the many words that I can use to describe how you make me feel. I could also throw in confused, disrespected, and upset.
You all act entitled
I mean really, why? I have given no signal to make you think that I want you drunkenly, sloppily dancing all over me. And even if you did misinterpret my disinterest in some way, when I say the words “Go away,” you should probably go away. But a lot of the time you don’t.
When I say ‘go away,’ you are unable to comprehend what it means
Now personally, if someone I was pursuing in the wrong way told me to go away, I would sprint out of there. But you don’t. Instead you continue to try and pursue me, which is creepy and rude. Stop pursuing women as if they’re objects, goals, or something to be obtained.
Your fragile masculinity is incapable of accepting rejection
Stop getting mad when we reject you. We have a choice to say yes or no. And if we say no, then respect that and listen. You have no reason to be mad – we do.
Your creepiness won’t let me get my dance on at The Boot
Why is it that I feel uncomfortable dancing at The Boot – a bar meant for dancing. It’s unfair that I have to constantly be on the lookout so that I can see if it’s too creepy to dance how I want. Also, don’t touch me. It’s never okay to lay a hand on a woman without receiving consent. So please, stop interrupting our dance marathon.
You are desperate for attention
If you want to get my attention, rather than forcing yourself into my dance circle or grazing your hand over my ass, you could try the radical, revolutionary idea of starting a conversation with me. Then maybe I would be a little more receptive to you, and I would feel more comfortable being myself.
You hold me to a different standard than you hold yourself and your friends
This isn’t exactly your fault in particular, but you definitely contribute to it – to this societal construct that holds women and men to different standards, a double standard. If I acted the way you dare to, I would be called a slut not worth anyone’s respect. But somehow when you do it, you’re rewarded for playing the game – a game that all of us women are fed up with.
Let’s stop approaching hooking up as a quest. Actually, let’s stop thinking of hooking up as the goal and make it getting to know us as the humans we are.
(Texts supplied by a number of girls who are simply over it.)