If you go to Tulane, you need to read this

We need your help to make Tulane and the Undergraduate Student Government the best that it can be.

A lot of you may not know about one of the most important groups on campus: USG. No, it’s not Upsilon Sigma Gamma. The Undergraduate Student Government has done a lot that you may not think about.

Are you in a student organization that spends money? Have you ever eaten at Bruff to-go? Have you used the water refill station on Freret? Have you enjoyed the clean, non-tobacco filled air? The students in USG have been responsible for all this and more. 

This year, USG has focused on improving accessibility, transparency, and diversity. You can check out the work we’ve done on our new website – http://tulaneusg.com – created by our lovely Director of Communications, Margaret Stolte.

And you have the most important role! As a student at Tulane, you vote for your representatives in USG. Your senators and executive board are the people who approve new student organizations, make decisions to fund student groups and events, and create projects that have a lasting impact on the Tulane community.

He’s got the experience, he’s got the passion, and – best of all – he’s got the USG Presidential looks

Sam Levin wants to be the next USG president. He has the energy, experience, and ideas that will continue to make USG the best that it can be. When I met Sam almost two years ago, I was immediately surprised by his excitement for what often seems like very boring work. I have watched Sam work his ass off to do everything he can to make Tulane better for all of us. He’s made me pumped about things I never thought I would care about. I’ll touch on a few reasons Sam has to be the next USG president.

Sam is both hip and relatable!

Over the last three years Sam has been the Secretary, a Senator for the School of Science and Engineering, and now he serves as the Executive Vice President of USG. Last semester, his YELLBC event brought mental health resources (and ice cream and pizza) to students, finishing the event with a cathartic scream from the balcony of the LBC. You may have heard the piercing scream of approximately two hundred students at the end of last semester. In an effort to keep Tulane clean and beautiful, Sam brought trash cans and recycling bins to Freret Street so students have somewhere to put their solo cups as they get on the buses for greek events. Sam has had open office hours every week for two hours to meet with students who want to work on projects and write legislation to turn their ideas into reality. Dreamy, right? I would keep going, but it would literally take pages to touch on everything Sam has done and continues to do in USG.

Sam stands for accountability, accessibility, diversity and inclusion, sustainability, and action. Buzzwords and nice ideas don’t work for Sam. He stands for making these themes a priority for USG and the student body. For three years, Sam has focused on some of the most important issues on this campus. As President, he will continue to channel the power of the Undergraduate Student Government to make Tulane the best that it can be for students of today and for years to come. We need all of you to make this possible. I stand with Sam because I know that he has the ability to turn ideas into reality. Will you stand with Sam?

Sam is going to look into the inexplicably locked gate

USG executive board elections will be open from Thursday, March 16th to Friday, March 17th at 5:00 p.m. You will receive an email by Thursday morning with links and information for voting. Throughout this week, you will see Sam and his team all over campus with free food (FREE), awesome pins, and all the information you could possibly want. If you want to get in touch with Sam, call or text him: 504-224-4398. He wants to get your ideas and input in his effort to improve USG and Tulane. Let’s do this!
*This was not read or reviewed by anyone on The Tab Tulane before this article was posted and it does not reflect the opinions of The Tab. If you have comments or questions about the article and/or the candidate, please direct them to article author Dan Lasky at dlasky@tulane.edu.
