UCI is so oversubscribed they’re rescinding offers for this coming school year
Just two months before classes start
Last year, over 104,672 students, including incoming freshmen and transfers, applied to the University of California, Irvine for fall 2017.
With such a high acceptance rates UCI not only has to accommodate incoming freshman to various dormitories but has encountered a new problem as well.
Some students that have applied to UCI have had their offers rescinded with no explanation.
Reddit user UCIrvineCompany wrote a post trying to calm students with no answers. While he blames UCI bureaucracy he also says the staff is not to blame and that the number one thing you can do is contact the admissions and appeal the withdrawal. He said:
“So I’m sure many of you have heard about the mass rescinding of countless students’ admission offers. As an individual who is, more or less, in touch with the Office of Admissions, I’m here to explain the situation to the best of my understanding. (I am NOT an admissions counselor)
Basically we can say this started with the fact that the Fall 2017 class is over-enrolled by around 800 students (aka more people accepted their admission offers than the school anticipated).
In any case, the main reason why UCI rescinds students could be reasons including:
– Submitting requested transcripts/exams/documents past the indicated deadline
– Not maintain grades above a D/F and a GPA above a 3.0
– Falsifying grades or exam scores on your application (i.e. intentionally or unintentionally listing you received an A in AP Physics when you actually received a B or C)
The most important (and frustrating) thing to address is that some students have been rescinded for none of these reasons.
Some have claimed that they sent their transcripts way before the July 1st deadline (sometimes even in person), yet the admissions office system does not have it on file. Others have a completely clean file, with check marks across the board, and have been rescinded regardless AND without explanation. Staff will simply tell you to that it was due to a non-specific reason/violation of your contract and to submit an appeal.”
He also posted to the UCI 2021 Facebook group to help students with these issues and students have readily begun to ask for help.
If this is an issue that you have encountered contact the admissions office right away. According to the UCI – Office of Admissions, the requirements that are needed for the provisional admission are listed below:
– Receive a high school diploma or equivalency.
– Maintain at least a weighted 3.0 senior-year GPA in UC approved A-G courses.
– Meet all UC Freshmen Admission Requirements.
– Be in good standing at any prior UC campus attended.
– Submit ALL official high school and college transcripts by July 1, 2017. Summer records are due by September 15, 2017. Click on MySchools above to review which transcripts have been received, and which ones are still required.
– Submit ALL official test scores by July 15, 2017. Click on MyTests above to review whether any test scores are required and whether they have been received.
– Check the UCI student Message Center frequently for updates and announcements on MyAdmission.
Tom Vasich Media Relations and Publications Director said that this is an annual process where students go through rescinded applications and asks that students please appeal to the university as there is a group that will review all the appeals to make sure that the information is correct.
So make sure to adhere to the deadlines above and most importantly to contact admission or a counselor for assistance if this is an issue you are experiencing.