7 famous homes within 5 miles of UCLA

In case you needed a reminder that you were in LA.

The benefits to attending UCLA are absolutely endless…beautiful weather, a quality education, excellent food.  Besides on campus perks, students can visit a plethora of cultural landmarks that are just within 5 miles of UCLA:

The Modern Family Houses

All 3 of the houses featured in the hit sitcom Modern Family are within 5 miles of campus.  Cam and Mitchell’s house (2211 Fox Hills Drive, Century City) and the Pritchett house (121 S. Cliffwood Ave., Brentwood) are 2.6 miles away, while the Dunphy house (10336 Dunleer Dr, Los Angeles) is 3.6 miles away.

The Playboy Mansion

Hugh Hefner’s infamous “Bunny Ranch” is located less than a mile from campus, a measly 3 minute Uber ride away.

Marilyn Monroe’s Brentwood Home

The location of her death, 12305 5th Helena Drive, Brentwood, is just 3.5 miles from UCLA.  Currently, the house is for sale for $6.9 million.

Beauty between the branches. ?: @samshawphoto

A post shared by Marilyn Monroe (@marilynmonroe) on Oct 23, 2017 at 9:48am PDT

OJ Simpson’s house

360 North Rockingham Avenue in Brentwood is arguably one of the most famous houses in recent Los Angeles history, as it was a focal point during the investigation into the murders of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman.  The house, located a mere 3.3 miles away, was owned by OJ Simpson at the time of the murders and was where the iconic bloody glove was discovered.

The Greystone Mansion

905 Loma Vista Dr, Beverly Hills is one of the most famous houses on the silver and big screens.  Over 65 films and TV shows have featured this mansion, including The Young and the Restless, The Vampire Diaries, multiple Spider Man films, Rush Hour, and Gilmore Girls.  The mansion is just 4 miles, a 15 minute drive, away from campus.

Hello MTV welcome to our crib ?

A post shared by alex lee (@ahlixzz) on Oct 14, 2017 at 5:36pm PDT

The Fresh Prince of Brentwood?

The home feature in the classic TV series The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is actually located at 2 The mansion is less than 3 miles away from UCLA, close enough for any Bruin to pull up to the house at about 7 or 8.

Lucille Ball’s Beverly Hills Home

Do you love Lucy?  Students who do indeed love Lucy should visit 1000 N Roxbury Drive, a mere 2 miles from UCLA.
