
The 25 mistakes every freshman will make at UCLA

Don’t even lie, this is you

UCLA ranked again one of the top 50 universities in the world

We’re 100 spots above USC

Just a list of UCLA memes that are so accurate it’s painful

Sad reacts only

10 things only UCLA commuters will understand

Spending all your money on coffee

Here’s what you missed from Spring Sing 2017

Highlights include an ode to the Hedrick Study

A guide to UCLA’s funniest comedy and improv troupes on campus

Get ready for some ‘Shenanigans’

The muse for Harry Styles’ Carolina is apparently a Bruin

No-one from USC has Harry Styles writing about them

Religious fanatic spews misogyny on Bruinwalk, students respond with female empowerment

His sign read ‘women should not vote’

Danny Siegel enforcer asks us to pull ‘Blood sign’ story claiming it’s ‘instigating gang violence’, despite zero evidence

She also accused students of ‘cyber bullying’

UCLA student government president under fire for making gang sign in leaked photo

Student elections heat up over Black Bruins Matter

UCLA students ranked among the most studious in the nation

The grind never stops

We asked the UCLA sleep center what an all nighter does to your body

We know what you did last finals week

UCLA printing comes as close as it can to free

UCLA finally listened to the meme gods

Everything you feel when you’re a homesick college student

Distance makes the heart grow fonder

We spoke to the UCLA student who was refused by an Airbnb host for being Asian

‘Anyone can be victims of discrimination. We should all come together and stand up for each other’

Here are the Fiat Lux classes honoring UCLA’s centennial that you should enroll in ASAP

So many classes, so little time