These are the Halloween costumes that definitely won’t offend anyone
Come on guys, it’s not that hard
As Halloween approaches, it seems as though we only ever talk about the costumes that serve to offend, but how about some that don’t?
All of these costumes can easily be DIY’d or bought at local stores. They can even be made sexy for anyone looking to have an extra special, yet cheap Halloween. Here are some ideas for those who want to steer clear of offending peers:
The Snapchat Hot Dog
UMass LOVES Snapchat. Every day, the campus story is filled with funny puns, relatable struggles, and yes- Snapchat filters. A UMass favorite happens to be the dancing hot dog. You can find this delicious garment on Amazon.
Rick Sanchez
Walking through the halls of my Southwest palace, I hear the sounds of Rick & Morty blasting; giddy laughter soon follows. Everyone recognizes Rick, and I can guarantee that if you wear this costume you'll get nothing but compliments. Simply recreate his signature look with your own clothing; then head on down to Spirit Halloween for the blue wig and mustache set.
Pumpkin Suit
Show off your festive side in a snazzy orange suit because who doesn't love pumpkins on Halloween?
Inflatable T-Rex
Memes. So. Many. Memes. You can get this costume on eBay.com for under $10.
Tina and Louise Belcher
This cute couples costume is SO easy to make. For Louise, all you need to buy is a pair of pink bunny ears and use an oversize green t-shirt as a dress. For Tina, you'll need a beret, converse, high white socks, a blue t-shirt and and a jean skirt. Le done!
I mean, who doesn't love pizza? Am I right?
Billy the Puppet from "Saw"
In case you're feeling a little 'spoopy' and silly this Halloween. This costume can be bought on Amazon or Spirit Halloween. Or if you're looking to make Billy into a sexy femme, Spirit Halloween sells cheap costume make-up and wigs.
An avocado
You'll be everything anyone 'avo' wanted. ?
Your drink of choice
This is one of my personal favorites because who can be offended by something that makes so many of us happy? You can either DIY this by finding a few t-shirts online and some props at Spirit Halloween, or get the Fireball costume on eBay for $29.95.
Mario and Luigi
For all those couples out there: you can get these gloves, hats, mustaches, and suspenders at Spirt Halloween or Party City (all sold separately).
Dwight Schrute
Another show that UMass just adores! Dress like this beet farmer and you'll be sure to impress. Use your own suit or get cheap attire at Walmart.