The 2am migration from Davis to the UL is real

UNC’s trademark walk of shame

Don’t be fooled, we have the regular walk of shame, too. But in typical UNC fashion, we also have a version involving academics.

The “walk of shame” from Davis Library to the Undergraduate Library is a legend to some. To others, it’s a lifestyle. When Davis closes at 2am, the migration to the UL is a nightly event, especially during midterms and finals. Why start out in the UL when walking across campus in the middle of the night is so much fun?

At least these all-night studiers have some funny tales to encourage their next walk.

One walk of shamer told The Tab how upon returning to her dorm at 8am, a janitor jokingly asked her how her run was. If he meant running out of motivation, it was great, thanks.

To truly grasp the phenomenon that is the “walk of shame,” we sat in the pit for an hour and watched the magic happen. What we found was hilarious (maybe just because everything is funnier when you’re absolutely exhausted).

1.15am: I leave Davis after a long night of studying. I’m on my fourth coffee, I’m tired and it’s raining. I almost wish I were back inside the library. A couple of people make the walk, mostly by themselves.

1.20am: “I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known.”

1.24am: I just witnessed a girl dancing through the rain on her way to the UL. Can sleeplessness lead to psychosis?

1.30am: Two bros begin their journey.

“I love walk-of-shaming with you, bro.” “Me too, bro.”

1.39am: Walk of shame and chill?

1.45am: More and more people are beginning to make the trek. They don’t even have the energy to look at me while I unashamedly take pictures of them, flash and everything. One of these girls trips on the bricks, but let’s be honest, I do that when I’m fully rested.

1.47am: The guy in front didn’t even bother to put his textbooks away in his backpack, even though it’s really raining. What’s the point when he’s about to pull them right back out? I feel you, fellow Tar Heel.

1.52am: New trend – bike ride of shame.

2.00am: The bell-tower signals the magical moment when Davis shuts its doors. Groups of students make their exits and journey to the UL, awaiting their dismal fate of only more schoolwork. When did midterm week turn into midterm three weeks, by the way?

2.15am: Everyone on campus is either asleep, or safely moved into the library. Tonight’s UL walk of shame draws to a close.

And there you have it, a complete “walk of shame” in all its glory. I sincerely hope this is the closest you ever come to experiencing one, but it probably won’t be. Sorry.

So, to all the current and future late night walk of shamers: may the caffeine be with you, and may the curve be ever in your favor.

UNC carolina chapel hill davis library students tar heel tar heels ul unc