The best delivery methods of Big Little Week
Sororities’ version of Santa Claus
When it comes to sorority Big Little Week deliveries, Santa Claus gets an upgrade.
Gift giving is one of the core foundations of Big/Little Week, but the bearer of the gifts matters even more. The rush to find an exciting and impressive method of delivery resembles the NFL draft: serious, competitive and mostly based on looks.
Sophomore Carson Hewett weighs in on the age-old tradition of selecting a fun method of delivering gifts during Big Little weeks.
“I wanted my Little to feel special. I wanted her to know that I was putting in a lot of effort because she’s worth it.”
Hewett had members of the Clef Hangers serenade her Little before delivering a gift.
Delivery methods range from a capella groups to athletes to pledges.
Hampton Crumpler of the Tarpeggios also performed at a delivery where a group of girls were anonymously texted to meet at the Pit at 9pm.
Hampton said: “It was nice to get to personally deliver gifts to the Littles anonymously. I could tell that even if they came to the Pit that night in a bad mood, they left with a smile on their face, and that was my overall goal for the night.”
Sophomore Alex Krupa, who was also enlisted to perform for a delivery, explained the process.
“We walked into this girl’s room, danced for like 5 seconds and gave her a gift ‘courtesy of your big.’
“It was like a secret Santa except without a shirt on.”
Whether their gifts were delivered by shirtless boys or serenading groups, just about every Little had the same, logical response: immediately film the event for the sake of her Snapchat story.