A Tar Heel’s guide to the NC State Fair
Fried errrthing
Nothing feels like fall in America more than a good ‘ol fashioned state fair. Even though it’s on NC State territory, there are still ways to have a fun time! If you’re planning your trip over, here are some tips to make it all worth it.
Go with a group. Not only does more people = more fun, but now you have more people to divide and conquer the food stands and go on rides with. It is a 30-35 minute car ride, so plan a road trip playlist accordingly.
Go at sunset. The daytime is too crowded to try to tackle, so try to go around sunset (aka 7ish) so you have a little sunlight and nighttime during your trip. It also makes for one hell of a background to your ferris wheel picture.
Wear comfortable clothing. This is not the time to dress to impress. Comfortable shoes are a must since it’s all walking and your oversized flannel will also do just fine.
Oh, and go to the bathroom before. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you have to use the dreaded Porta pottie. Make sure everyone goes before to avoid this scenario, although multiple lemonades are hard to resist.
When it comes to parking, it’ll be a challenge. Park at the PNC Arena. Finding a bus over is a hot mess and trying to find close parking is even worse. Make it easy on yourself and park at the arena and walk over to the fair – it’s also free.
Now, onto food. You must eat the fried PB&J. Remember those Uncrustables you used to love? Now imagine them fried. I would also suggest trying the fried mac ‘n’ cheese or Moon Pie, but if fried isn’t for you, try a whole turkey leg. America, amirite?
The best deal is the corn. If you’re a corn lover, your time has finally come. The best deal at the fair is a “cup-o-corn” and a drink/ lemonade for $5.
Don’t judge your friends for eating such food. Take advantage of the opportunity and eat fried food till your heart’s content. This is a no judgment zone.
Go on the Alien Abduction ride. What do you want to do after eating all that fried food? Spin in a circle so fast you defy gravity, of course. You lean up against a wall and the entire ride spins so fast that you can lift your legs off of the ground. It’s also only $4, $1 cheaper than the other rides. If you have a weak stomach, I would suggest saving the eating part for after.
Pro-Tip: Bring five cans of food on Thursday, October 22nd, to support Food Lion’s Hunger Relief Day and get a FREE admissions ticket.
If there is one thing North Carolina knows how to do, it’s how to put on a good fair.