We asked Tar Heels for their roommate horror stories
‘My roommate is Satan’
When it comes to choosing a roommate – or being randomly stuck with one – you can never be too careful. As a lot of us unfortunately know, there are some real weirdos out there.
With the spookiest holiday coming up, The Tab decided to investigate some real-life horror stories. We met with students to discuss their worst roommate experiences at UNC.
Hannah, 21, Biology
“She wouldn’t acknowledge my existence after the first week and literally didn’t talk to me for the rest of the semester. There was no communication whatsoever.
“There were certain things at the beginning of the year that we decided would be communal and I would keep my stuff in the open, but she would try and hide her stuff from me.
“Whenever I came home in the middle of the night, she was always in the shower. I just thought that was weird.”
Anonymous, 19, Journalism
“My roommate is Satan. She’s very homophobic – it’s rough.”
Kady, 21, Advertising and Communications
“She low key had a drinking problem – or maybe high key. One night we got a knock on our door and it was the community director at 3am. He told us that one of our hallmates found our roommate in the hall bathroom on the floor completely naked and crying.”
Jesus, 21, Environmental Studies
“My roommate was too lazy to go to the bathroom in the suite, so he would just pee in bottles and throw them away at later times. So this one time he chose to take a shit in a bag and hide it in our suitemate’s room, and our suitemate found the bag and put it in our microwave, turned the microwave on and everything smelled like shit.”
Anonymous, 18, English
“My roommate is a fucking nightmare. How many 18-year-olds do you have to remind to wash their hands after they pee? How many girls shower once a week? Bathe yourself. Like I feel like I want to put bleach in her shampoo. Like sanitize yourself, bitch.
“At 6am on a Tuesday she started going through my desk right next to my bed looking for a gift for my sister’s birthday (a Nalgene SplashGuard), because she wanted to use it before I gave it to my sister. She also lost my cardigan at a frat house.”
Elena, 18, Biomedical Engineering
“There was a roommate who left all her dirty clothes all over the place and stuff, so I decided to passive aggressively just stuff all her dirty underwear in her cereal box. So the next morning she would realize what an unpleasant surprise I got all the time when I walked in the room.”
Just be careful when deciding who to live with, Tar Heels. You never know how many goblins are out there.