I went undercover to ask NC State students what they thought about UNC
‘Tailgating with wine and cheese and being really boring around a fireplace’
I took some time during fall break to visit some of my Wolfpack friends on State’s campus. While there, I decided to see what our fake “rivals” really think about us, and it wasn’t pretty.
I kept my real Tar Heel identity a secret so I wouldn’t skew their answers, but that doesn’t mean their words didn’t sting.
Lydia, sophomore, Food Science
First word you think of when I say “UNC”: “Halloween.”
Typical UNC student: “They’re more, like, artsy, right?”
Typical NC State student: “I think we’re really diverse where there’s a lot of different people.”
Which is more hated?: Duke.
Better parties: NC State.
Elise, sophomore, Zoology
First word you think of when I say “UNC”: “Carolina blue.”
Typical UNC student: “Smart and dedicated.”
Typical NC State student: “Passionate and smart. Sometimes there is a lot of rednecks on campus and I’m like, ‘Where did you even come from?'”
Which is more hated?: UNC.
Better parties: UNC.
Bradley, sophomore, Economics
First word you think of when I say “UNC”: “Dirty.”
Typical UNC student: “Privileged.”
Typical NC State student: “Friendly.”
Which is more hated?: UNC.
Better parties: NC State.
Daniel, sophomore, Sport Managing
First word you think of when I say “UNC”: “Cheaters.”
Typical UNC student: “Entitled.”
Typical NC State student: “Prideful.”
Which is more hated?:: UNC.
Better parties: NC State.
Trevor, freshman, Undecided
First word you think of when I say “UNC”: “Wolfpack. I don’t even consider UNC so my thought process goes right back to State.”
Typical UNC student: “Hippie.”
Typical NC State student: “I don’t know.”
Which is more hated?: UNC.
Better parties: “It’s usually seasonal, but right now, it’s UNC.”
Cole, sophomore, Undecided
First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Tar Heel.”
Typical UNC student: “Academically smart.”
Typical NC State student: “I’m not sure. My initial thought is, like, farmer or redneck.”
Which is more hated?: UNC.
Better parties: UNC.
Sophia, freshman, Biological Science
First word you think of when I say “UNC”: “Chapel Hill.”
Typical UNC student: “Stuck up, preppy.”
Typical NC State student: “Friendly and smart.”
Which is more hated?: UNC.
Better parties: NC State.
Anisha, freshman, Neuroscience
First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Carolina blue.”
Typical UNC student: “Smart, because it’s harder to get into. Also, preppy.”
Typical NC State student: “Friendly.”
Which is more hated?: UNC.
Better parties: NC State
Jaycie, freshman, Business
First word you think of when I say “UNC”: “Ew.”
Typical UNC student: “I don’t know if there’s a good word, but I think of tailgating with wine and cheese and being really boring around a fireplace.”
Typical NC State student: “Unique, because we have a lot of people but they fit together really well. Also friendly and caring.”
Which is more hated?: UNC.
Better parties?: NC State.
The general consensus seems to be that NC State students hate us because we are preppy cheaters who don’t even know how to throw the best parties. But c’mon – we know the truth. It’s always a GDTBATH.