We asked who you’d like to see as president
Jimmy Fallon as POTUS, anyone?
There’s been a lot of talk about the 2016 presidential race around campus lately, and for the most part, it hasn’t been too positive. Sure, we definitely have our fair share of “Bernie or Die” people at Carolina, but it seems like students don’t feel too enthusiastic about the candidates. I mean, there are people seriously considering moving to Canada if Trump gets elected.
So, who would students want to see as President of the United States? It could be anyone – an actual candidate, a celebrity, a fictional character or another politician. The Tab UNC asked around campus.
Morgan, freshman, Psychology and Sociology
“Anyone but Trump.”
Jevon, sophomore, EXSS
“BeyoncĂ©. She’s an icon. I feel like she’s a little more level-headed than other celebrities.”
Rachel and Jessie, freshmen, Business
“I’d say Jimmy Fallon, cause that would be hilarious. He also looks good in a suit.” – Rachel
“Okay, I’ll go on the same page and say Ellen.” – Jessie
“Maybe we could go president and vice president with those two.” – Rachel
Abby, senior, Global Studies and Communication Studies
“Senator Elizabeth Warren. She basically creates the overall Democratic platform that most candidates go by. They take what she says and go off in their own directions. I think she’s a really good speaker and she’s not very controversial like other candidates.”
Alex, junior, Biology
“I’m just gonna go with Bernie. I like Bernie. I don’t fully support some of his platform stances, but he seems trustworthy and I think he can deal with the controversies a president has to deal with. He’s also not very hot-headed.”
Jess, freshman, Biology
“Jim Halpert. Not Michael Scott, cause he’s insensitive.”
Niveditha and Michael, sophomores, Psychology
“I want Obama to have another term. Can we add that to the Constitution?” – Niveditha
“I agree.” – Michael