WikiHow actually has a guide describing how to be more masculine and it’s ridiculous
This actually exists
WikiHow has a guide for almost everything and apparently that is not limited to guides supporting a sexist agenda, and encouraging people to act differently from who they are.
A quick google of “how to be more masculine” will result in the top hit being a WikiHow guide called “How to Become More Masculine when Feminine”. The guide boasts that it is not just for feminine men looking to assert their masculinity, but women can use the guide as well to take on more “masculine traits”.
The guide goes through three parts: acting more masculine, using the right words, and dressing more masculine.
Part one: Acting More Masculine
This section claims it is essential to command authority, and warns that “People will listen to you if you’re honest and direct with them instead of nagging them, whining or complaining to get people to do what needs to be done.”
Is this suggesting that complaining, whining, and nagging are female traits? That sure is how it seems to me, and as a strong independent FEMININE women who has no problem commanding authority I find this to be highly offensive and inaccurate.
Next you have to get physical and “get some dirt on your body”. Excuse me wikiHow but what the actual hell? This isn’t the stone age, no man needs to role around in the dirt to prove he’s a man, and saying getting dirty is a must to masculinity is only valuing a certain kind of masculinity that many men do not identify with.
Don’t forget to “get some masculine hobbies”, because “picking just one or two masculine hobbies and really getting good at them will help you become more masculine” Need some ideas? WikiHow suggests hunting, fishing, carpentry, or riding a motorcycle?
Could this be any more cliche? I think not.
According to wikiHow you can’t be afraid to take risks, because playing it safe is obviously a feminine trait.
Lastly, to be masculine you must “set goals and achieve them”, “be brave”, “be disciplined”, and “be proud of who you are”, because femininity obviously entails not achieving your goals, constantly cowering in fear, and living life ashamed of who you are. Clearly, women like Michele Obama, Nora Ephron, Malala Yousafzai, Amelia Earheart, and Gertrude Ederle had to channel their masculinity side to accomplish anything.
Part two: Using the Right Words
You must “speak your mind” this is a masculine trait, because we all know women are like children and should be seen but not heard.
Speaking your mind includes “if you think the conversation people around you are having is offensive or just plain uneducated say something.”
Oh shoot, so the 3 million women who attended the Women’s March to speak their mind about women’s rights, were engaging in masculine behavior? I don’t think so, these women stood up femininity and all and made their voices heard in support of equality for all.
To be masculine you also must “crack people up”. Sorry Lena Dunham, Amy Poehler, or Tina Fey, you’re either not actually funny or you’re just embracing your masculinity, your choice.
Part three: Looking More Masculine
If you really want to prove your masculinity you better dress the part, which means no floral, tight fitting jeans, or graphic tees.
Sorry, to all you masculine, gun-loving men out there, but according to wikiHow the shirts you bought from 2nd Amendment.com are actually making you look less masculine. Maybe that’s why all of these shirts are on sale.
Looking more masculine also includes having a “masculine swagger”. If the fact that wikiHow chose the word swagger doesn’t deter you enough maybe this line will be the final straw, “keep a straight face with just a slight smile and keep your eyes wide open, ready for the next challenge ahead.”
Ladies next time a man asks you why you always have resting bitch face just say you are practicing your masculinity and don’t want to “slap a goofy smile on your face at all times.”
WikiHow, you’re better than this.