There is a dog in Calhoun called Benjamin Westerbrook

He’s the real Mr. Yale

Benjamin Westerbrook was given to Dean April Ruiz of Calhoun College by her fiancé (now husband) three years ago instead of an engagement ring.

The Cavalier King Charles/Beagle/Aussie Shepherd mix is not only Calhoun’s favorite form of puppy therapy but he’s also a TV star!

Through his work at the Canine Cognition Center, “He’s been on the Today Show, CBS News, ABC, and the TV show Going Deep with David Rees,” says his owner Dean.

“He’s very good around the lights and cameras and other gear that comes with TV, so Dr Santos usually asks for him.”

Likes: Chicken tenders, collecting sticks, doing tricks

Dislikes: Flies inside, people loitering by his front door

Where you can find him: In the Calhoun Courtyard after 5:15 on most weekdays, playing fetch!

Ben in the studio with Dean Ruiz

Always looking for squirrels

Ben as a puppy

Ben doing one of his favorite things – collecting sticks

Keep an eye on Ben’s upcoming media appearances by friending him on Facebook.

Yale University