How unhealthy is the booze you drink?
Down it freshaaaaaa
The booze which wins you the admiration and respect of your peers can also take its toll on your body.
Drinks can be full of sugar, caffeine and calories which in large quantities could make you unwell.
Here’s what’s inside your favourites. Bear in mind experts say the recommended calorie intake for 2000 for girls and 2500 for boys — sugar intake is 50 grams for girls and 70 for boys.
Different flavours have different amounts of calories. For each bottle, VK Apple has 179 calories, Cherry has 179 and Orange has 220.
Smirnoff Ice has 176 calories and WKD Blue has 228 calories. Each kind can have around 15 grams of sugar in.
Lager is the worst: Amstel has 227 calories, Carslberg has 182, Fosters has 193 and Stella Artois has 256.
It has an average of eight grams of sugar but premium lager has 14.
As for cider, Strongbow has 239 calories and Gaymers has 244, containing an average of 20 grams of sugar.
Guinness has 210 calories and 20 grams of sugar.
Your average 175 ml glass of white wine has 160 calories and 10 grams of sugar while red wine has 160 calories and one to two grams of sugar.
A single vodka and coke has 120 calories and 27 grams of sugar and a gin and tonic contains 120 calories and 22 grams of sugar.
A vodka and Red Bull has 112 calories, 40 milligrams of caffeine and 27 grams of sugar. A vodka and diet coke has virtually no sugar but 56 calories.
Jägerbombs have 158 calories, 40 milligrams of caffeine and 24 grams of sugar.
Sambuca on it’s own has 100 calories and 10.3 grams of sugar.
Drink up.
Data comes from alcohol awareness charity Drink Aware and dieting site Nutra Check.