How much does your union president earn?

All presidents are equal, except some are more equal than others

Being a student union president must be quite a nice job — you have to be a smiley type who looks good in colourful fleeces and can happily waste a year hectoring indifferent peers about welfare.

And some of these positions are handsomely rewarded with hefty salaries: the LSE president, for example, trousers £26,582 a year as the highest paid union boss in the country.

The well-heeled honchos at Newcastle, UCL and Queen Mary all pocket over £25,000 each for their vital sabbatical roles.

Arriving last on the union gravy train are the impoverished presidents at Northumbria and York earn just over £14,000 — while Bath comes last scraping a pittance of £13,952.

The national average of presidential salaries is just over £18,500. See where your uni stands below.