Leeds is the best night out in the country

Aberystwyth was a long way from the top

The results from our best night out poll are in: you said Leeds has the number one nightlife in the country.

Mephradone-loving dub fiends living in the UK’s party capital enjoy the best nights, followed by Newcastle, Manchester and Nottingham.

Nearly 5000 of you voted to decide your favourite night and nearly none of you said it was in Leicester, Reading, Bath, Aberystwyth or Southampton.

The worst night is Blackpool, which won a pathetic three yesses or 0.06 per cent of the vote.

Here’s a recap of the winning city — it scooped 9.34 per cent of the favourites.


Cool and it knows it. It is possible to escape the stereotypical Leeds edginess and find your own vibe given the sheer variety of places. Stay out of Call Lane and your night won’t be too expensive, but even the people who do shell out have a bloody good time.