Revealed: The toughest and easiest unis to get into

Have your uni’s standards dropped since you arrived?


Whether your A-levels were gold stars across the board or your grades spelled out the title of a Jackson 5 song, we all had the same aim — to get into uni.

But it’ll come as no surprise some unis are easier to get into than others, and new figures show the hardest and easiest institutions to find a place.

The data, released by The Complete University Guide, shows us partly what we all expected.

It looks like nothing has changed at the top: Cambridge is the hardest uni to crack and Oxford sits in second place.

At the other end of the table, confirming their position as the butt of everyone’s jokes, is London Met at the very bottom.

Even the former metropolitan unis did badly. Proving you can change a name but not a reputation are Leeds Beckett (formerly Met) at 109th place.

But there are still some shockers on the list.

It’s bad news if you go to QUB as you’re officially the easiest Russell Group university to get a place at.

And the award for the most surprisingly difficult uni to get into goes to Strathclyde, which has a higher entry rating than its more famous neighbour Glasgow.

There must be something in the water up in Scotland, as Aberdeen made the top 20 despite being ranked 40th overall.

See where your uni sits in the table below: