The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
‘We’re only valued highly when our gender is hidden’
Moving up in the world
We’re the best in the country for art
Tell us something we don’t know
We’re the fourth best in the country
He taught himself to drop in and ride on ramps
Who is Aberystwyth’s Biggest Name on Campus?
You should be married with a kid by 30
‘My heart was racing all night. It felt like a comedown so I knew something was wrong.’
The rumours are sadly unfounded
It already has more than 27,000 signatures
Horses, guns and rollercoasters. What more could you want?
The 2017 Complete Uni Guide rankings are out
Every week 12 young people die from an undiagnosed heart condition
He loves Nando’s and is a fan of the The Weeknd
Mobile phone rules mean we’re getting more Berghain by the minute
Experts recommend we get between seven and nine hours
‘We want to stop the culture of shame’
We tracked down one of the rappers
‘Far too many people in their twenties are being priced out’
This is the first ever study to do so
This kind of thing doesn’t happen in Clapham very often
He just abseiled down a 50ft wall to open his new conservation centre
NEVER go to the toilet when there’s turbulence
He was drinking Grey Goose
Yes, a lot of them went to fee-paying schools
Only two per cent of people have the special ability
Wake me up when it’s all over
Everyone loved it when Prince William came
There’s a G&T included in the price
They were pouring champagne EVERYWHERE
‘We need to take back control’
He only started playing five years ago
Even when they have the same education and level of experience
She received all the messages during a former relationship
A third of those we polled had been affected by depression
It’s not what you’d expect on the King’s Road
66 per cent of those in the events industry have suffered
‘You must be enough of a visual aesthetic to be believably the prey of a stalker’
And people were kicking off
You’re going to be downstairs not upstairs
It’s a lot more than you’d think
They don’t lack substance and they don’t hold you back
‘Their countries might be falling apart but their sex appeal still goes strong’
A cold Tuesday in Stoke just got cheaper
They might fall apart if you tried to skate in them, but they’re perfect
Red will hit you the hardest
Simba is the greatest footballer dog of all time
One passenger described it as ‘horrific’
Some were sexist and homophobic
A lot of cards haven’t arrived yet
You can now share links to profiles with other users
One day it gives you cancer, the next day it cures it
You might have to go undercover on a yacht
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them will be a trilogy
Starmix and Tangfastic to be specific
You might have to get the nightbus
The salary is £1,440 a week
Lawyers like lawyers
We make sacrifices for fashion
This is how to find out if you’re sitting on galleons
They used a hashtag
It even wins over the experts
We asked the public who they would bet on
‘They’re gonna taste great, they’re gonna taste great’
They’re protesting against the use of fur in fashion
They’ve promised a new monthly column called ‘Millennial Money’
Nobody finds bomb scares and Tube harassment funny
Our poll was a landslide
She’ll be on the Other Stage on Sunday evening
They’ve changed the rules and it’ll be much more boring
They’re insisting on a huge rent hike
No more awkward conversations about your route
It’s as hard as a round of shag, marry, kill
It reportedly happened at Phonox last Friday night
It was bitter and you can’t spread it on toast
Residents complained about ‘mountains of glitter’
It’s only 20 seconds though
Asking a question about a match’s photo was the most successful tactic