Would you give up sex instead of meat? Two thirds of men said yes
We’d rather shave our head, abandon the internet and quit smoking than bin the burgers
All men apparently think about a certain something every seven seconds.
But it turns out there might another thing closer to every bloke’s heart than sex.
Two thirds of men would prefer to cancel Sky Sports, delete their Facebook and even ditch the dirty deed rather than surrender meat, according to a new study.
Who’s he taking on a date – you or the burger?
A staggering 88 per cent of men think it would be a challenge to become vegetarian, according to the survey from meat brand Peperami.
Seven in ten chaps devour some form of meat with almost every single meal, and 81 per cent of men claim they would be “lost” without meat in their diet.
Other things on the list include auditioning for The X-Factor, giving up the internet and shaving their own head rather than give up meat.
A spokesman for Peperami said: “These results show that men would prefer to kiss goodbye their mobile phones, sex and their partners before becoming a vegetarian.”
He added: “For those who can’t bear the thought of ‘Meat Free Monday’, we’ll be celebrating ‘Free Meat Mondays’.”
The UK Foods Standards Agency claims three per cent of the countryare vegetarian.
But a spokeswoman from vegetarian charity PETA was not impressed by the survey.
She said: “It’s an old-fashioned idea that men need to eat meat in order to be macho.
“More and more men understand that what they get from eating animal flesh is an increased likelihood of heart attacks, cancer and a fat gut, so they’re turning towards a planet based diet instead.”
But in the battle of carnivores versus carnal-whores, we asked some blokes if they could abandon meat forever.
Joe, 25
Joe: “I gave up meat for my ex-girlfriend, but I wouldn’t do it again. I’d have to sneak KFC.”
Lorin, 32
Lorin: “I was raised a vegan and have been a vegan my whole life so it’s an easy question for me.”
Nick, 23
Nick: “I could easily stop eating chocolate, but I couldn’t give up alcohol or sex in order to eat meat.”
Umiterliam, 27
He wouldn’t let us take a pic so here’s his sarnie
Umiterliam (whilst eating a bacon sandwich): “I could easily give up meat…especially if it was that or sex.”
We don’t believe you.
Daniel, 21 & Alesso, 20
Daniel and Alesso: “We’d never give up sex for meat!”
Alberto, 25 and Stein, 21
Alberto: “I would give up alcohol for meat easily but this Stein thinks alcohol is great and would never give up alcohol for meat.”
Pete, 62
Pete loves meat
Pete: “I love meat, I follow the Australian diet of half a cow and one pea, so I would give up everything for meat.”
Shamir, 20
Shamir: “I’ve been a vegan in the past, so no I wouldn’t give up sex or anything for meat.”