On the Pill? Diet drink Bootea stops it working and can make you PREGNANT
‘It says it on the website but not on the box so you could miss the warning’
A popular detox drink supposed to help you lose weight quickly has made girls unexpectedly pregnant.
Fashionable high street herbal infusion Bootea can stop the contraceptive pill from working –– but shocked customers have complained there’s no warning on the packaging.
Health experts say the tea flushes out the digestive system with a laxative effect, which can stop your Pill from entering the bloodstream.
Get the figure you want…and a baby
Bootea, which bills itself as a “teatox” to lose weight, is a celeb favourite which counts Kendall Jenner, Louis Tomlinson and Caggie Dunlop as prized customers.
But many of those who have tried the treatment are now expecting babies as specialists reveal Bootea stops the Pill from being effective.
Saleswoman Naomi Salt, 26, started using Bootea after Christmas –– and is now six months pregnant.
She told the Mail: “I am over the moon now, but I was shocked and worried at first to say the least.
“I am regimental about taking my pill and my first reaction was ‘how has this happened?’
“I’m 26-years-old, I’ve got a career and I’m saving for a mortgage. Having a baby was on the cards, but not just now or even this year.”
Users of Bootea complain pregnancy warnings don’t appear on the box
Another posted on the Netmums forum: “At first it was great. I lost half a stone in two weeks.
“That great feeling didn’t last long. I’m now eight weeks’ pregnant with our third child, and after four weeks of shock it has finally sunk in and I have accepted this.
“If you are stupid enough to detox without reading and researching about the product properly, you are likely to end up like me.”
A disclaimer on the product website says: “Bootea may affect the accuracy of the Pill if you take your pill in the morning within four hours of the laxative effect.
“If you take the pill at night you will be fine as it takes around 10 hours for the laxative effect of the night time tea bags to set in.”
Customers have complained none of these warnings appear on the product itself.
Dr Sarah Hardman, Deputy Director at the Faculty of Sexual and Reproduction Healthcare, said: “The suggestion from the manufacturer is that the Pill is just being washed through your system too fast.
“You may not be absorbing your pill correctly and it may be the effectiveness of it is reduced.
“The guidelines that come with the combined oral contraceptive pill say that if you have diarrhoea within four hours of taking it the effectiveness cannot be guaranteed, so you should be using additional precautions as well.
“Ideally Bootea would mention this on the packaging, but if women are taking something that is not a prescribed medication then they have to take responsibility for looking at the potential risks.”
The ‘natural cleansing effect’ works as a laxative
While Northumbria grad Lauren-Rae Dodd never became pregnant while drinking Bootea, she did experience “the longest period of her life” –– and only knew she wasn’t having a miscarriage because she hadn’t had sex.
The 21-year-old told The Tab: “I took the 14 day detox before I went on holiday to help me slim down.
“I came on my period the week before my holiday but thought I would finish because they normally last a couple of days.
“It lasted two and a half weeks in total, maybe even a bit longer, and it stopped when I stopped taking Bootea.
“It was the longest period of my life, I had really bad cramps for three weeks and it was really heavy.”
Lauren has been on the Pill on and off for a couple of years, and even though she lost inches round her waist from drinking Bootea, she wouldn’t take it again.
Lauren’s period lasted nearly three weeks
Second year Sarah George, 20, does English at Sussex and bought a month’s supply of Bootea –– but only lasted a week.
Sarah said: “I knew it affected the Pill but it’s not clear on the packaging.
“It says it on the website but not on the box, so if you buy it off a friend or as a gift you will miss the warning.
“I have been on the pill for four years, and take Yasmin, but as I read the website I knew about the warning.
“It comes in tea bags like normal tea, and you’re supposed to drink it twice a day in the morning and evening.
“You’re encouraged to avoid processed food and eat more fruit and veg, but your portions shouldn’t be affected.
“You can buy a 14-day supply or a month supply, so I bought a month’s supply for about £40 thinking it would be easy. I was wrong and I only lasted a week.
“It tastes awful, the worst drink I’ve ever tasted. My food tasted really shit and I didn’t fancy anything because my stomach hurt all the time and I kept having to go to the toilet.”
‘My stomach hurt all the time and I kept having to go to the toilet’
She added: “When I was taking it I literally spent a week at home in the bathroom.
“The pain in my stomach was like cramps, they would last about an hour but come and go all day.
“You do lose weight but it’s just water weight, because as soon as you stop you put the weight back on. Luckily, my side effects stopped the day after I stopped taking it.
“I didn’t complain though because the small print says you might not react well, so I left it as I knew I wouldn’t get a refund or anything.
“But it does need to be clear on the packaging about it affecting the Pill as not everyone is going to get it direct from them.”
Bootea did not respond to a request for comment.