Fresher who takes over 200 selfies a day says it’s destroyed her love life
She even takes selfies at funerals
A snap happy first year is so addicted to taking photos of herself it’s caused insomnia, led her to fall out with friends and has even wrecked relationships.
Charlotte Michaels, 23, has admitted taking around 200 selfies every day, putting our dissertation selfies to shame.
The London College of Music student told The Sun: “It becomes something you’re not in control of. I wake up early planning what selfies to take, I shun friends and I stay up late to take the best pictures.
“The buzz I get when I see the likes on social media is like a drug to me. I’m completely hooked.”
Charlotte reckons her selfie addiction has destroyed relationships
Charlotte’s selfie addiction started just three years ago when she got an iPhone 4, which was one of the first phones with a forward facing camera.
She said: “As soon as I set it up, the first thing I did was take a selfie and upload it online – I was hooked from day one.
“I used to love dressing up dolls when I was a young girl, but with selfies I was able to do it myself. I was real.”
Now the fresher from Southend-on-Sea says there’s no situation she won’t take a selfie in.
“I take them on the train, in the bathroom and I’ve even taken them at funerals although people did give me some strange looks.
“I become extremely irritable if I’m ever interrupted. I often snap at someone or completely blank them until I’m finished. But it’s a compulsion.”
‘My selfies come first, and if these men can’t handle that, it’s their problem.’
Charlotte’s habit has actually wrecked relationships too, meaning she can’t hold down a man because she’s too busy taking selfies.
“Last year a relationship ended because the guy got really cross that I wasn’t listening to him because I was taking selfies.
“He’d get annoyed that he’d have to repeat himself. It escalated into huge rows where he would storm out saying he couldn’t handle it any more – I was devastated.
“I’ve tried dating but after several weeks they realise my selfie-taking is not a phase and tell me we have to end it.
“My selfies come first, and if these men can’t handle that, it’s their problem.
“There just isn’t room in my life for a relationship and my selfies.”
Charlotte has even considered therapy for her selfie habit
When most of us take a selfie it’s all about the likes and comments, and for Charlotte it’s this rush of excitement which keeps her hooked.
“If the selfie I post doesn’t get any likes in 15 minutes I have a meltdown and can’t bear to look at my phone screen.
“The sense of relief when the likes start rolling in is unbelievable. I just like people telling me I’m pretty.”
Despite the boost of getting likes, Charlotte is also willing to admit the selfie addiction is negatively affecting her health.
“I’m in a constant state of panic about losing my phone. I lost it once on my 21st birthday and it was one of the worst days of my life.
“I’d taken 64 selfies in around eight hours – but I left my phone on a train and I was inconsolable.
“I sat and cried for hours and knew I would never get those selfies back.”
Selfie-mad Charlotte even takes snaps at funerals
Going on a night out with the selfie queen is a military operation these days.
“I plan every tiny detail and set up special lighting in my room so I can take dozens of pictures.
“I often change my clothes and make-up several times until I’m 100 per cent happy, but I’m always an hour or two late to meet anyone.
“When I go home I can’t get to sleep until I’ve sifted through, edited and posted all my selfies.
“Sometimes it takes me hours and I don’t go to bed until 3am.
“I wake up in the middle of the night with the urge to try a new selfie in a new pose. I can’t sleep until I’ve done it.”
Charlotte has no problem taking 200 selfies every day
In some situations, Charlotte admits her selfie taking has got way out of control.
“I took loads of selfies in an airport once, then I had a nine-hour flight.
“When I arrived, I wasn’t excited about seeing the old friend I’d gone to visit – I just wanted to find the nearest WiFi hotspot so I could post my selfies online.”
While Charlotte hasn’t been to see a doctor about her obsession yet, she has considered therapy.
“I know I need help but I can’t bear the thought of being told to stop. So for now I’m just happy as I am.”