Only seven UK unis made the world top 100 places to study
Durham, Bristol and Leeds didn’t make the grade
It’s been a whitewash in the world rankings, as just seven of the unis we call home have made it into the top 100.
Confirming what we already know, elite Cambridge came in fourth place, while Oxford trailed just behind in fifth according to the Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR).
But outside of Oxbridge only UCL, Imperial, Edinburgh, Manchester and King’s managed to make it into the top 100 universities in the world.
And narrowly missing out on a top 100 spot were Bristol in 123rd place and Glasgow in 128th.
Former big guns Durham and Leeds really lost out, coming in at 261st and 161st respectively.
And now it’s official, the worst uni in the UK is UCLan – which is 938th in the world.
Sadly the rankings only go to 1000, so Sheffield Hallam, Leeds Beckett and notoriously rubbish uni London Met didn’t even get a look in.
The USA hogged the top of the table, with Harvard, Stanford and MIT hogging bagging the top three spots.
What’s more, all the spots not taken up by Oxbridge in the top ten were American unis, but Yale was knocked out by Cornell.
The worst university in the world, coming at 1000th place, is the China Pharmaceutical University.
The Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR) publishes the only global university ranking that measures the quality of education and training of students alongside the prestige of the faculty members and the quality of their research.
A Cambridge spokesman was clearly happy about being placed at number four in the table.
He said: “This ranking, like all the others, reflects the fact that the University of Cambridge is among a small group of the most respected and influential higher education institutions in the world.”