Finalist celebrating graduation refused club entry for not wearing heels
She was flat out furious
Fashion-conscious bouncers rejected a group of graduating girls celebrating from a nightclub – all because one of them was not wearing high heels.
Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences grad Lucy Hill was turned away just because she had flats on.
The Aberystwyth PhD student was denied entry to the The Libertine nightclub in West Wales.
Lucy, 28, told The Tab: “It does seem ridiculous. I’m not sure how they feel that they can judge a person entirely based on shoes.”
Lucy was turned away for wearing flats on her graduation night out
She added: “I also don’t think wearing heels necessary means someone is smartly dressed
“There was a group of us on the night – a couple of us had just graduated with PhDs and another person was celebrating a birthday.”
Having graduated that day, Lucy and her friends decided to try out a new club to celebrate – but were upset about being refused entry for wearing flat shoes.
Lucy said: “None of us had been to The Libertine so we thought we would see what it was like but we were turned down flat at the door.
“There was something on The Libertine’s Facebook page about people being turned away earlier in the week for not wearing heels
“We were quite offended at the time so just left.
“We went to Irie’s instead which would be our usual choice of place to visit, but we just thought we’d give a new bar a try and support them.”
Lucy stood by her decision to wear flats, not heels
Also refused entry to the club was Charmaine Straiton, who commented on the Facebook page of the nightclub saying: “The doorman won’t let women in unless they’re wearing heels.”
The Libertine club in Aberystwyth apologised for the incident, blaming an error of judgement from the staff.
They said high heels were not a part of their dress code and blamed the bouncer for turning them away.
A spokesman for The Libertine said: “They’ll be letting people in not wearing heels as it’s not a policy of ours.”
It’s an age old dilemma, whether to squeeze into heels or rock the flats on a night out.
More than just making you taller or getting you entry into a club, your footwear can give a good indication of where in the country you’re from.
Whether or not you consider yourself to be posh and even what type of music you’re into are also big giveaways.
Does your uni prefer heels or hi tops?
If you’re turning up down south at the likes of Exeter, pack lots of flats.
But If you’re entering the eternally hip Leeds, take your New Balance.
Meanwhile heading west, to Belfast or Cardiff, you’d better have some wedges in there.
What your footwear says about you