Nobody actually wants to drink a pint anymore
Half pints are the future, research finds
More people would choose a half pint over a pint when trying a new beer, a new study has found.
The research, carried out by YouGov, found that 34 per cent of boozers would opt for a half pint as their vessel of choice.
A meagre 26 per cent chose a full pint glasses – which is as many as chose a measly third of a pint.
This sight could soon be a thing of the past
The study also found, somewhat unsurprisingly, that people liked to try new beers either at festivals or pubs – with only 5 per cent saying they enjoyed a new tipple at home.
The study’s findings are unsurprising during a nationwide craft beer epidemic, although some will not be pleased with the results.
Tim Page, CAMRA chief executive, said: “With more than 1,200 breweries in the UK, and more beer styles being brewed than ever before, Britain has seriously got the beer bug.
“People are becoming more open to trying new beers and moving away from the mentality of drinking pint-after-pint of the same brew.
“Particularly for stronger, more full flavoured real-ales such as barley wines, or strong porters and stouts, a half or third of a pint is a much more sensible option and allows people to try a range of beers without drinking past their limits.
“People are as interested in tasting as they are in drinking – and the best way to try the widest range of beers is to opt for a smaller sized glass.
“It doesn’t matter whether you’re young, old, male or female, if you’re really interested in trying what’s on offer at an event with over nine hundred different real ales, international beers, ciders and perries, then it makes sense to opt for a half or a third.”
Pint enthusiasts are advised to take a glass-half-full outlook, we assume.