‘Lad of the year’ who claimed he slept with 80 women stripped of award
He made it all up
The biggest lad in the UK who even won an award for the amount of girls he’d slept with has been stripped of his title because he made it all up.
Former Lad of the Year Kevin O’Flanagan said he’d slept with 81 women, but has been exposed as a fraud after apparently lying on the entry form.
Tom Thurlow, founder of Shag at Uni who ran the competition, told The Tab: “I’m afraid Kevin was disqualified from our award after we realised he fabricated his answers.
“I would take anything he says with a pinch of salt.”
Disqualified Lad of the Year Kevin O’Flanagan
Kevin was initially handed the prestigious Lad of the Year award after bragging online about his sexual conquests.
Spotting Kevin’s boasts, Tom said: “We published his story and rewarded him with free membership to our site.
“I thought all was well, until I later received a call from a journalist saying Kevin had told them the statements were untrue.
“I was baffled by this.
“But if what Kevin had told us is now apparently not true, it left us with no choice but to remove his award.”
Tom admitted that it was with regret that he had to strip Kevin of the prize, but couldn’t say what he lied about.
He said: “It’s a shame really, considering Kevin’s initial excitement over our award, but my hands were tied if the award winner is going to turn around and deny part or all of the statements they gave to us.”
Straight after winning the prestigious award last year, Southampton Solent student Kevin told The Tab: “Everyone who knows me knows I’m a lad, that’s why I got the Lad of the Year title.”
He even claimed the fame it brought made hooking up with girls “all a bit easier”.
Kevin hard at work
Kevin added: “Some girls have thrown themselves at me, they’re like ‘You’re that guy off TV’.
“I’m not bragging about it but any lad would do the same in my situation.”
Boasting further about his bedroom antics, Kevin said: “I’ve done two different girls in a night several times, and done three in one night twice.
“With some of them, its really bad, I don’t actually know their names.
“But girls know what I’m like anyway, even if they’ve just met me, they know what I’m like.”
And when it comes to women he said: “I’m not really fussy. When it comes to a bit of fun it’s just a bit of fun.”
Exposed fake lad Kevin, who studies TV and Media Production was also on Channel 4’s Date My Porn Star, a show about porn addicts who get the opportunity to meet their favourite adult entertainers.
Through this, he apparently landed a date with porn legend Jessica Jaymes.
He said: “She was a nice lady, actually. I hadn’t heard of her, hardly.
“But what 20-year-old lad would say no to a free trip to LA in America for 10 days and to go on a date with a porn star?
“Find me a guy that would say no to that.”
“Our student house was a five minute walk home from the club, so we would always, literally, every single night we went out, bring people back, have after-parties, my mates would bring girls back.
“It was literally every single night, the house was crazy. It literally needed a TV show.
“I actually tried to pitch it to Channel 4 but they never got back to me.”
Kevin with porn star Jessica Jaymes
Kevin wasn’t always at Solent, doing a year in Bolton first, and then a year at UCA in Kent, but “thought I’d done everything and met everyone” so fancied a change.
He said: “At Bolton I had fun, trust me I had fun, I definitely made the most of it.
“But I didn’t want to be so far away from everyone, so then I went to college in Kent.
“I knew loads of people in the area anyway and they had already established a name for me.”
Wanderluster Kevin then made his final move to Solent after “doing everything” at UCA, too.
He said: “I’m not ready to grow up and get a career or anything so I transferred to where I am now. I’m still young, I wasn’t ready to graduate and get a career or anything.”
Kevin, still putting the work in
After exposing their former king, Shag at Uni are now searching for their very own “Hook-up Engineer”.
Founder Tom Thurlow describes it as “a fully paid trip to a selection of UK Universities to meet lots of unsuspecting students so you can discover the tactics they use to score sex”.
He added: “Students will look to you as their go-to guide on all sex-related issue, so it’s crucial you leave no stone unturned on your travels.
“You will need to investigate trends and the most common problems faced when looking for a shag, and how best to overcome them.
“Nobody likes a dry spell.”
Tom is looking for someone who can “disarm unsuspecting students and encourage them to share absolutely everything about their sex lives”.
But more importantly he wants you to discover “the easiest way to get a one-night stand at university”.
Find out more about the Shag at Uni “Hook-Up Engineer” role here and apply here.