People who graduate from Scottish unis are more likely to get a grad job
It’s not so grim up north
Grads from Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen have more chance of getting a job than unis in the rest of the UK, according to a new survey.
Shocking figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) reveal Scottish students have the lowest level of employment three years after graduating than unis in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Researchers checked up on grads from 2011 to see how they were doing and found they’re having more success north of the border.
Scotland have the lowest levels of assumed unemployment from those who went to uni at just 1.9 per cent.
Scottish grads don’t only have more fashion choices on the big day, but more chance of getting a job
English grads are far more likely to go without a job, with 2.6 assumed unemployment compared to 2.7 in Wales and 2.5 per cent in Northern Ireland.
What’s more, jammy Scottish uni leavers also have the highest average salaries in the UK, banking £1000 more than the English at £27,000.
And they’re even earning £3000 more than those who go to uni in Wales and Northern Ireland.
Across the board, those who studied Education were mostly likely to land a job after uni and stay in it, as 90.5 per cent of leavers were currently in work.
This was closely followed by Medicine and Dentistry with an impressive 87.2 per cent employment rate.
Joint honours students did the worst, as just 67 per cent of grads confirmed they had a job.
English grads earn £1000 less than those who went to Scottish unis
The Universities Scotland organisation were especially happy with the figures, as they showed 90.3 per cent of those who went to Scottish unis stayed there after graduating.
Deputy director, David Lott, explained how it was good to see the country as a leader for grad jobs and said: “Particularly as the direction of travel in Europe is growth in the number of jobs requiring high-level graduate skills.”
He told the Independent: “At the beginning of the summer, we learned that graduates from Scottish universities have the best record of securing professional level jobs in the UK and continue to have the best levels of positive destinations in the UK.
“Scotland’s universities are proud of their strong record of graduate employability and entrepreneurship and this continues to be a strong priority.”