How much will freshers week cost at your uni?
Freshers are about to drop £400million on getting drunk every night
The average fresher spends £42 a night and splashes out £400 over the whole of their first week.
And the total freshers spend will be just under a staggering £400 million from all 995,000 new first years coming to uni.
Club entry, pre-drinks, taxis and drinking while you’re out costs an average of £42 across the country.
So if you go out every night of freshers week, this brings the cost up to £295.
And if you also include fancy dress outfits, hangover food, society sign ups and a weekly shop – the total price above £400.
The average cost of freshers week across the country
Figures were calculated from a price breakdown of freshers week across the country and the biggest costs, but some unlucky unis pay more than others.
Exeter spend the most on doubles in a club, with a respectable five totalling an average £27.50.
But on the other end of the scale, one of the cheapest places to get smashed is in Belfast, with the same amount costing around £17.50.
Meanwhile five doubles in Manchester will cost an average £25 and just £20 in Leeds.
Unsurprisingly students in London pay out the most for pretty much everything, with the average taxi or Uber costing £4 each and takeaway over £6.
But getting where you need to be is much cheaper if you go to uni in Cardiff or Edinburgh, with most people just chipping in an average £1 for a cab.
Fancy dress is cheap if you can get away with a ripped t-shirt
Takeaway depends on whatever you’re craving that night, but Cardiff students can grab cheesy chips for £1.80, while in Leeds they can grab a pizza for £4.
Society signup fees are £3 each on average, but go as high as £4 for UCL and can be just £1 in Edinburgh.
Freshers week is probably the best chance you’ll get to dress up all year, but Durham and Edinburgh have it the worst with two costumes costing over £40.
The cost of a weekly food shop depends on whether it’s a cheap Lidl or a more expensive Waitress near your halls, but UCL students spend the most at £35.
On the other hand those in Cardiff and Durham claim to be able to get away with just £20 for their first shop.