Indirect sex calculator tool tells you how many people you’re sexually connected to
You have over 150,000 indirect partners even if you’ve just slept with just one person
You could have been exposed to millions of sexual partners if you don’t use a condom, according to new research.
Researchers from Lloyds Pharmacy found we could be sexually connected to millions of people if contraception hasn’t been used.
A recent Tab survey found the average person has slept with nine people, which means we could be linked sexually to 2,156,407 – but this depends on their age at the time.
The calculator draws on the theory of six degrees of separation, which means everyone is just six steps from each other – and in this case in the bedroom too.
If you’ve slept with more people over a longer period, you could have millions of indirect sexual partners
Even if you’ve only slept with one person, you could still have been exposed to 168,608 people, according to the calculator.
Lloyds Pharmacy’s Online Doctor Dr Gigi Taguri said: “Your risk of being exposed to an STI increases exponentially with each new partner.
“But importantly it’s not just your direct partners that you have to worry about, but your partners’ partners, and their partners’ partners, and so on.
“They are indirect sexual connections.
“Additionally, even after using condoms you are still exposed to several types of STI including genital warts and herpes, often through skin-to-skin contact, oral sex and sex toys as well as penetrative sex.
“So the key message is not just to practice safe sex, but also to get regularly tested for STIs.”
The results also reveal how one in three people admit they don’t always use bother to use protection when having sex with a new partner.
And 53 per cent blaming alcohol for ditching contraception.
Not using a condom means you could have been sexually exposed to millions of people
To coincide with Sexual Health Week the pharmacy has revealed their online calculator, allowing people to input their number of sexual partners, and discover the number of people they’ve been indirectly linked to.
One in six people admitted they’ve never had an STI test because they “don’t see the point”.
Meanwhile the survey, of more than 6,000 sexually active people, reveals the older you are, the less likely it is that you have been tested.
And the statistics suggested we could be in need of more sex education classes, with one in five 16 to 19 year olds believing condoms protect against pubic lice.
Unsurprising, the survey also suggests than many people lie about the number of sexual partners they have had.
One in 10 men and women lie, with some admitting to higher, while others even claim lower their actual figure.
If you don’t want to be sexually exposed to millions of people then use a condom
But sexual health experts said one of the most shocking statistics suggests that one in five people, who have had an STI, did not tell their past partner – which increases their chance of spreading the infection.
Dr Taguri said it’s essential condoms are used during sex.
He added: “Whether you regularly engage in casual sex or just haven’t had an STI test before, ensuring you always have condoms means you will be protected against the risk of the most common STIs.
“If you find a sore, blister, lump or bump in your intimate areas. you can also now have it diagnosed by one of the LloydsPharmacy’s GMC registered doctors without having to see a doctor face to face.
“The GP photo assessment service allows you to simply take two good quality photographs, upload them online and receive a confidential response within 24 hours.”